Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Week 4

This technology could fit in computer classes such as computer science. For example, I could ask students to make websites as an assignment using flickr and podcast. The topic of each website would include real life contents since they need to utilize pictures and audio and videos. A teacher could show how to create a website using flickr and podcast effectively. In addition, teachers and students can utilize flickr and podcast with PowerPoint which we learned in the previous week. Teachers and students will create exciting PowerPoint slides which facilitate visual and audio learners.

My Podcast address:
My link of photos:

My first teaching area is Japanese language. As I teach Japanese language, students will need to know Japanese culture as well. This shows two typical Japanese traditional customs which are Yukata and Taiko. I could utilize this picture when I teach about festivals in Japan. Also, in this picture you can see a girl who is not Japanese; therefore, I could show that anyone can experience this festival.

I found this picture from the ‘Japanese Culture’ group in flickr. There are many pictures, comments and topics about Japanese cultures. I also can introduce this group for students to discuss about Japan so they will experience learning the Japanese language.

Week 3

As the pedagogy is described as ‘tool of teaching’, those blogs and PowerPoint are very good examples of tools. Since young children in this era were born in the digital world, studying on the computer via internet is much more common and friendly for them. The eLearning and PowerPoint are not only visual learning but also they can be interactive. For example, I could write the summary of the lesson and several practice quizzes on the blog, and then students could post their answers. Also when students work on presentations, they can utilize PowerPoint. After their presentations a teacher can upload all groups’ PowerPoints on the blog so other students can come back to what they learned. Therefore, I will be able to utilize PowerPoint as a follow-up tool.

Week 2

My wiki link is:
As I explore wiki, I realized that wiki is more interactive than Blog. For example, you can edit or add more content on someone's posts with pictures or videos via wiki, whereas you can just leave comments on blog. As a learning tool, wiki would be effective for group work since students will learn cooperation with colleagues while working on blog is the same as online study such as the Moodle site.

My Weebly website is:

Big 6 is more specific and clear for me. For example, as Eisenberg (2001) stated, the Big 6 is based on six stages such as: Task Definition: Information Seeking Strategies: Location and Access: Use of information: Synthesis: Evaluation. In addition, Eisenberg (2001) mentioned that the Big 6 is effective with assignments. Therefore, the Big 6 will facilitate students' learning.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Week 1

What is your learning style? What sorts of learning experiences would suit you best with your learning style?

According to this test, my learning occurs especially when I am listening. I like listening to music and it is very easy for me to remember the lyrics of songs. One of the examples is my learning style for English. My mother bought a lot of music books in English when I was in kindergarten, and I loved them. I listened to them and sang those songs on the music books so many times for a long time. Even now I can remember those songs. Also I tend to write or say vocabulary or something I need to remember again and again, and try to connect them with previous experiences. Even though I love music, I prefer quiet places and to be alone when I study. Therefore, I agree with the result of the test.

In a traditional classroom of 25 students, how would you support the range of learning styles each lesson?

I should know every student's learning style. Also, I should prepare lessons flexibly. For example, I would try to offer visual activities, listening activities or physical activities for groups or individually instead of utilizing limited skill activities. This would support the range of learning styles' environment, and also students can experience a variety of learning styles.

With your current knowledge of ICT, how could your design and digital pedagogy support your learners better?

ICT will enhance students' outcomes since the computer is a more interesting subject than others for most students. Also, young adults find it easier to get used to than older adults. As one of the teaching tools, teachers need to utilize ICT with every subject.