Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Week 4

This technology could fit in computer classes such as computer science. For example, I could ask students to make websites as an assignment using flickr and podcast. The topic of each website would include real life contents since they need to utilize pictures and audio and videos. A teacher could show how to create a website using flickr and podcast effectively. In addition, teachers and students can utilize flickr and podcast with PowerPoint which we learned in the previous week. Teachers and students will create exciting PowerPoint slides which facilitate visual and audio learners.

My Podcast address:
My link of photos:

My first teaching area is Japanese language. As I teach Japanese language, students will need to know Japanese culture as well. This shows two typical Japanese traditional customs which are Yukata and Taiko. I could utilize this picture when I teach about festivals in Japan. Also, in this picture you can see a girl who is not Japanese; therefore, I could show that anyone can experience this festival.

I found this picture from the ‘Japanese Culture’ group in flickr. There are many pictures, comments and topics about Japanese cultures. I also can introduce this group for students to discuss about Japan so they will experience learning the Japanese language.


  1. Hello Aoi-san,

    Since my first discipline is also Japanese, I agree with your way of using the picture above.
    The pedagogical use of images and podcast is what I would like to try in my future teaching. Authentic experience is what students need to gain when they learn, and teachers have to give those experiences in the context of teaching. When we examined the usefulness of the two applications, I though it would be a wonderful idea to use for resource sharing.


  2. As Piaget’s theory also mentioned that students learn something new by their previous knowledge. If their previous Japanese knowledge was based on authentic topics, the learning will be more familiar for them; therefore, they will find fun in studying. When they find fun in studying, the learning outcomes will be gained easily, which is also Piaget’s theory.
